Articles (only first-author)
- Kida, R., Fujitani, K., & Matsushita, H. (2024). Impact of collaborative leadership, workplace social capital, and interprofessional collaboration practice on patient safety climate. Journal for Healthcare Quality. 46(5) (PDF)
- Kida, R., Ogata, Y., & Nagai, S. (2023). Uneven distribution of stressful working conditions among Japanese nurses: A secondary analysis of nurses with and without children. Industrial Health. (PDF) (in press)
- Kida, R., & Takemura, Y. (2023). Relationship between shift assignments, organizational justice, and turnover intention: A cross-sectional survey of Japanese shift-work nurses in hospitals. Japan Journal of Nursing Science: JJNS. (PDF)
- Kida, R., Suzuki, R., Fujitani, K., Ichikawa, K., & Matsushita, H. (2023). Interprofessional team collaboration as a mediator between workplace social capital and patient-safety climate: a cross-sectional study. Quality Management in Health Care. (PDF)
- Kida, R., Yumoto, Y., & Ogata, Y. (2023). Workplace social capital mediates the relationship between authentic leadership and three dimensions of organizational commitment of hospital nurses: A cross-sectional study. Japan Journal of Nursing Science: JJNS, e12526. (PDF)
- Kida, R., Fujinami, K., Yumoto, Y., Togari, T., & Ogata, Y. (2023). The association between burnout and multiple roles at work and in the family among female Japanese nurses: a cross-sectional study. Industrial Health, 61(3), 195–202. (PDF)
- Kida, R., & Takemura, Y. (2022). Working Conditions and Fatigue in Japanese Shift Work Nurses: A Cross-sectional Survey. Asian Nursing Research, 16(2), 80–86. (PDF)
- Kida, R., Takemura, Y., Inoue, M., Ichikawa, N., & Koyanagi, H. (2022). Nursing management for temporary lodging facilities in Japan in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic: A multiple-case study. Japan Journal of Nursing Science: JJNS, e12507. (PDF)
- Kida, R., Togari, T., Yumoto, Y., & Ogata, Y. (2021). The association between workplace social capital and authentic leadership, structural empowerment and forms of communication as antecedent factors in hospital nurses: A cross-sectional multilevel approach. Journal of Nursing Management, 29(3), 508–517. (PDF)
- 木田亮平, 北村言, 磯部環, 武村雪絵. (2023). 全国の認定看護管理者所属施設の分布及び所属と関連する二次医療圏・施設特性 -地理情報システムを用いたオープンデータ分析-. 日本看護科学学会誌. 43, 305-314.
- 木田亮平, 武村雪絵. (2021). 看護職員の勤務環境改善に向けた各医療施設の取り組み:複数事例研究. 日本看護管理学会誌, 25(1), 20-33.
- 木田亮平, 國江慶子, 佐々木美奈子, 堀米由紀, 米倉佑貴, 武村雪絵. (2021). 病床規模別の看護師採用状況および採用活動の実態:全国調査. 日本医療・病院管理学会誌, 58(4), 119-130.